Our seniors captain Inge Hauschildt leads the sceptre in the seniors round. All year round, whether it’s snowing, raining or storming, our enduring seniors meet every Thursday.
Registration is allowed from handicap 45 and below until 9am on the day of the tournament, the start lists get published online right after. The seniors normally start their round at 11:30am.
Once a year the seniors round meets on a rotating basis with their friends from Wendlohe, Kaden and Holm to play together.
Of course, there are also celebrations by the seniors round: the end of summer and winter, the advent coffee and similar events are awaited happily.
The seniors round is ever growing, because even the young players get older one day.
Once a year our partner golf club from Sylt and us host a friendly between the „Schlossgeister“ and the „Lachmöwen“ from Sylt. These are hosted alternating, one year in the golf club Sylt and the next at our course. The same goes für the ladies team, the „Ditmarscher Sturmvögel“, from GC Büsum. The „Schlossgeister“ also stay in close contact to the ladies oft he golf clubs Gut Wulfsmühle and at the Donner Kleve.
The biggest highlight oft he summer season for our ladies is the „Cup oft he Schlossgeister“ which is an open ladies chapman.