Mens round
Every Tuesday around 12:30 pm Mens round or „Herrenrunde“, how we refer to it in germany, gather around our Mens Captain Helmut Pingel and his representive Heinz Georg „Schorsch“ Drensler. Everybody with atleast a handicap of 45 or better is allowed to enroll, via our website untill 9 am on the match day.
Shortly after all participants get informed about thier teetimes. The first flight starts at around 12:30 pm.
Just like our ladies round the men keep amities to the golf club Sylt. Aswell as alternating visits of and by the mens round of the golf club Dithmarschen, once a year.
Occasionally they also host events, like a christmas party, winter round, summer round and other special tournaments or game variations are planned thruoghout the year.